PHP Forloop, Foreach loop and How to Use Them in PHP.
What is PHP Loops and How to use them.
PHP Loops are used to implement the same block of code again and again multiple times until and unless a specific condition is happened. The basic idea behind a PHP loops is to help the...
PHP While Loop, Do while loop and How to Use Them in PHP.
What is PHP Loops and How to Use them.
PHP Loops are used to implement the same block of code again and again multiple times until and unless a specific condition is happened. The basic idea behind a PHP loops is to help...
PHP Arrays and Their Types Numeric, Associative, and Multidimensional Arrays
What is PHP Arrays?
In this tutorial, we are going to learn about PHP arrays and their type’s numeric, associative, and multidimensional arrays. PHP arrays are used to store a collection of...
View Insert Update and Delete Data from Database in PHP and MySQL
What is CRUD (Create, Record, Update, and Delete)?
In this tutorial we are going to learn about how to view, insert, update and delete data from database using PHP and MySQL, This kind of system is also...
SQL Joins and Their types Best Complete Tutorial of
What Are SQL Joins?
In this tutorial, we are going to learn about SQL Joins and there types. I will discuss the various types of Joins used in SQL. A SQL Join statement is used to combine data or rows from two or more tables...
Recover Forgot Password by Email Using PHP and MySQL
What is a forgotten password and how to recover it?
We are going to learn about how to recover forgot password by sending email to the user using PHP and MySQL. Forgot password recovery is a compulsory feature for the login...
How to Print a Specific Content of a Web Page Using Window Print Function
What is window Print function?
We are going to learn about how to print a specific content of a web page using window print function in JavaScript. This is a small trick which I want to share with you...
How to Install WordPress using Cpanel
What is WordPress and how to install it?
We are going to learn about WordPress and how to install WordPress using Cpanel. WordPress is one of the greatest, modest, and open source Content Management Systems (CMS) that is used by millions of...
How to Install WordPress on Localhost or Windows using WAMP Server
What is WordPress and how to install it using the WAMP server on the localhost or window?
We are going to learn about WordPress and how to install WordPress on localhost or window using a WAMP server. WordPress...